The behaviour module was designed to support consistency, transparency and relevance.
With some systems, recording behaviours can be
laborious. For a busy teacher this can often mean
prioritising the recording of serious behaviours
and then running out of time to record positive or
low-level behaviours. With Synergy, staff have their
‘Class View’ open to take a register, set homework
and add behaviours all within a few clicks.
Research from 18 schools demonstrated a 1,993%
increase in the recording and sharing of positive
behaviours and comments.
Behaviours are visible to parents, students and
Progress Tutors providing a narrative on achievement
and areas for improvement. This regular reporting
helps to create meaningful conversations and builds
relationships between home and school. There are
no surprises at Parents’ Evening.
Administration tasks such as creating and
maintaining detention registers or text messaging
home detention notices are automated, helping to
save time and costs.
Other features include Lesson Support, an ‘On Call’
system which enables a teacher to request support
and also the ‘Monitoring Card’, an online report card
for use with closely tracking behaviour or progress
help to bring all aspects of behaviour management
together under one system.
For reporting, there are many reports and dashboards
built into Synergy to help analyse and manage
behaviour. For those who wish to drill down further,
with the Data Access module, Synergy can stream
data directly to your own custom spreadsheets
and Microsoft Power BI for comprehensive and
custom analysis.