Synergy: a school system that...
Transforms. Simplifies. Engages Parents. Improves workflow. Defines processes. Saves costs. Improves Outcomes. Increases productivity.
...makes a difference
We take a very different approach...
Synergy is unique in that it includes an “Outstanding Partnership” to support school improvement. Your Synergy Partner provides a wealth of experience and case studies to support the school lead in designing a system for their school rather than just operating one.
...designed to promote school improvement
Replace many systems with Synergy…
Attendance, Registers, Behaviour, Parent Communication, Parent and Student Apps, Room Booking, Homework, Seating Plans, SENDCo Solution, Pastoral Logs, Helpdesk, School Calendar, Parents’ Evening, Intranet, Clubs and Societies, “Class, Tutor, Department Views” and much more.
...a comprehensive solution
"Synergy is an outstanding platform on which to build system based change; it helped to accelerate and deliver rapid school improvement.”
Paul Scarborough, Headteacher,
Up Holland High School
A huge impact…
A workflow, productivity and communication system covering all areas of school life that shares timely information to parents, students and staff. It creates a clear student narrative helping to identify, track and coordinate early intervention and support.
...a platform for school improvement.
Find out why our schools love Synergy
We have lots to share and discuss.
Get in touch for...
Discussion on Systems Thinking
A copy of journal “Technology Leadership and Systems Thinking in Schools”
School Synergy, Suite F19, Preston Technology Centre, Marsh Lane, Preston, PR1 8UQ. 01772 36 76 30. REGISTERED ADDRESS: 7 STATION ROAD, HESKETH BANK, PRESTON, UK, PR4 6SN COMPANY NUMBER: 10593365.

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